Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó emphasised Hungary’s stance in favour of an equitable and balanced international perception of Israel in Jerusalem on Thursday, in an interview published in Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, which was published on Thursday.

“The Hungarians and the Israelis are in a close alliance within international politics. If people ask what countries are most often attacked in international organisations and in the international media, then we, the Hungarians, and the Israelis enter this competition with pretty good odds”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised.  “There are certain international forces that are trying to break up our alliance and friendship, but we have succeeded in disappointing them with this meeting”, he stated.

Mr. Szijjártó emphasised that relations between the two countries have never been as good and intensive as they are today. “At the meeting, we confirmed that we can count on each other during the course of international political disputes”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister highlighted. “Hungary has always stood up in favour of an equitable and balanced international perception of Israel, and we will continue to do so”, he stated. Mr. Szijjártó promised that Hungary will also be making a stand against decisions attacking Israel and possible sanctions within the European Union the United Nations, and other organisations. “The annexation of the West Bank has not occurred, and we would not like to express an opinion with relation to something that hasn’t happened”, the Minister emphasised, rejecting the condemnatory, and accordingly “totally unnecessary and counterproductive” measures that Israel has been warned may be put in place because of its plan.

“Hungary will continue to do everything possible to prevent the coronavirus from being brought into the country”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister said with relation to the travel restrictions imposed on, amongst others, Israeli citizens. “The government has been forced to introduce travel regulations in the interests of protecting the Hungarian people and the Hungarian economy”, he added.

In reply to a question concerning the role and Jewish nature of George Soros, Mr. Szijjártó said: “The vast majority of so-called NGOs, which are in fact political stakeholders, receive their financing from George Soros’s network. George Soros has a totally different future in mind for Europe than we have, and would like to see a totally different Hungary than we do”. “We are in dispute, but this dispute has nothing at all to do with George Soros’s religion”, he added. “The suggestions that claim we are in dispute with George Soros because he is Jewish are the anti-Semitic ones. We don’t care at all what religion he practices. The ones who do care are the anti-Semites”, he stated. The Minister rejected the position of those accusing Fidesz of anti-Semitism, and stressed that his country and the government are guaranteeing everyone’s rights and freedom of religion, and will continue to protect the Jewish community and every single one of its members in future”.

(MTI/Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)