“Hungary’s transition to the new digital industrial era is successful”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Tuesday at the official foundation stone laying ceremony of Danish-based biotech group Foss’s new research and development centre in Pécs.

“The Government’s measures aimed at ensuring that large international corporations bring their high added value investments that are based on research and development and targeted at innovation to Hungary have been successful”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“We have moved forward from the Made in Hungary period to the Invented in Hungary period, in which it is not only important that certain products are manufactured in Hungary, but also that they are developed and first applied here”, the Minister stressed, highlighting the importance of fulfilling the competitiveness conditions of Industry 4.0 and digitalisation.


The Hungarian Government is providing 773 million forints (EUR 2.4 million) in funding towards the establishment of the two billion forint (EUR 6.1 million) biotech centre. During the first phase, 88 high added value workplaces that “require the most sophisticated technological skills” will be created at the 2000 square metre facility”, he pointed out.

Praising the activities of the Danish company, the Minister told reporters that Foss is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of food industry and agricultural product analysis equipment. “80 percent of the cereals distributed within the global economy and 85 percent of the milk is tested using methods developed by the Scandinavian company”, he added. Mr. Szijjártó also mentioned that the food industry is currently considered to be the most innovative sector of industry in view of the fact that health and food safety requirements are becoming increasingly strict. “The cooperation between Foss and the University of Pécs will assure the Danish company a suitable supply of highly-trained employees”, he indicated.


According to the Minister, Foss’s investment in Pécs is contributing to the further development of Hungarian-Danish economic relations, which “paint a dynamic image”. Trade flow between the two countries increased by 15 percent in 2017 to exceed 1.5 billion euros, he explained. The 180 Danish enterprises currently operating in Hungary provide jobs for 12 thousand people, and three of them have concluded strategic partnership agreements with the Hungarian Government, he added. Mr. Szijjártó pointed out that following the investment projects realised by British-American Tobacco and IT Services Hungary, and the aircraft production facility being constructed next to Pécs-Pogány Airport by Magnus Aircraft Cls, Foss’s research and development centre is the fourth major investment to be realised in Pécs within the past two years. “Pécs has been given new impetus, and the south-western part of the country is also doing its share to facilitate economic growth”, he noted.

While also praising the cooperation the company has achieved with the Hungarian Government and the University of Pécs, Foss’s Vice President for Research and Development Niels Degn spoke about the fact that Foss is planning for the long term, the company’s research and development centre in Pécs is expected to be completed by the end of 2019, and plans to be employing 120 people by late 2020.


Foss was founded in Denmark in 1956, and in addition to Denmark the company also performs its development and production activities in China and Hungary. Two years ago, the company purchased the Pécs-based Slow Flow biotechnology company, and is realising its latest investment via this subsidiary.

At the event, Mayor of Pécs Zsolt Páva said the realisation of the project was a great joy, highlighting that the high added value company will be able to begin operations in an ideal location.