Hungary will join the International Trust Fund (ITF) NGO's humanitarian landmine victim assistance programme for the Western Balkans, Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation István Mikola announced on Tuesday.

The Minister of State said that the ITF was founded on the initiative of Slovenia in 1998 to provide political and humanitarian assistance to Bosnia-Herzegovina in the crisis. Later on, the organization started to play a significant role in resolving conflicts of other Balkan states.

DownloadPhoto: Márton KOVÁCS

The leader of ITF and the Ambassador of Slovenia to Hungary have recently asked Hungary to provide rehabilitation to children injured by landmines, István Mikola said.

The Minister of State declared: the first group of children will be treated in Budapest Bethesda Children's Hospital and other Hungarian hospitals will also be involved later in the treatment of children. Furthermore, Hungary has so far provided 75,000 dollars in financial support as well as experts to help the work of the ITF.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)