“It is in the common interests of Hungary and the Hungarian people to give their vote of confidence to a government that, in addition to not risking our sovereignty and security, is also not prepared to make compromises with regard to these issues”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in Eger.

At a campaign event for the city’s and region’s Member of Parliament and Fidesz election candidate Zsolt Nyitrai, the Minister stressed: “The stakes of the election are clear; if you take a look around the world you will see that there is a huge international debate ongoing with relation to whether migration is good or not, and on whether it should be stopped or promoted”.

“Part of the world and Europe says migration should be organised and supported. In contrast, based on its own experiences Hungary says that migration is bad, dangerous, and must be stopped”, he added, noting that “we Hungarians have already served as proof of the fact that this is indeed possible”.

“So what the electorate will be deciding on at the elections is whether the country will have a government that wants to fight this battle, or one that gives up the fight”, he said.

Mr. Szijjártó said it was important for all electoral districts to have Members of Parliament who are against immigration, because when the National Assembly will need to make decisions about what position Hungary should represent in these international disputes, the resolutions made will depend on them.

“But prior to that, on 8 April it will depend on the voters what politicians they give their vote of confidence to”, he said, adding that “the front lines have already been established, and we already know exactly who is pro-immigration and who rejects migration”.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that he is proud to have been part of a series of negotiations in recent years thanks to which hundreds of jobs that provide good salaries and a dependable living have been successfully created in Eger. Major German and Swiss automotive industry and machine industry enterprises have decided to settle in Eger, and represent the highest possible added value and level of technology, he explained.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said he and Zsolt Nyitrai had also put a lot of joint effort into the realisation of local infrastructure developments that also facilitate major investments. “Thanks to this, we can now state that the Heves County capital is a competitive settlement that is also attractive to large international companies, and this is in part also due to Eger’s high quality education institutions”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

At the event, Zsolt Nyitrai said: “It makes absolutely no difference what the opposition says during the current election campaign, because when they were in a position to influence decisions in the National Assembly or in the European Parliament they always voted in support of migration and resettlement”. According to the MP, most citizens of Eger and Heves County want nothing to do with this, and what is at stake at the elections is nothing less than “whether we are able to defend our homeland, our cities and our villages”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)