Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó emphasised on Friday in Kiev at the press conference with his Ukrainian colleague, Pavlo Klimkin, following their discussion that Hungary, as a neighbouring country, needs Ukraine to be stable and strong.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister announced that Hungary will contribute with EUR 100 000 to the functioning of the NATO fund the main goal of which is that Ukraine could strengthen its capacities for cyber security. “We are ready to provide treatment for 20 wounded Ukrainian soldiers in Hungarian health care institutions”. He noted that Hungary participates with 21 people in the Ukrainian mission of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the functioning of which was supported by the country with a further EUR 100 000.

He stated that for bilateral commercial and economic relations to be re-dynamised, the decision was made in Hungary that the Hungarian Eximbank will fund Hungarian exports to Ukraine again. „We also made a decision that the above mentioned financial institution is ready to fund Ukrainian investments in which Hungarian companies also participate”.

The Hungarian Minister pointed out that for Ukraine to become stable and strong, its territorial integrity and sovereignty needs to be respected. He considered it important that all the participants of the ongoing armed conflict in the Eastern part of the country adhere to the Minsk agreement. „Further, it is necessary that Ukraine implement as soon as possible the structural reforms in the wake of which it can strengthen politically and also economically”.

He emphasised that Hungary, being a neighbouring country to the Ukraine, is interested in the resolution of the conflict, that broke out in the country, through negotiations and as fast as possible. According to the minister, Hungary is ready to help with its experience gained beforehand so that Ukraine could implement the structural reforms successfully. „We will put experts at the disposal of the Ukrainian government in the field of the administrative reform, decentralisation and the harmonisation of EU legislation” – the Minister stated.

According to his statement, he agreed with his colleague in the often occurring „derogatory” situations arising at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border-crossing points must be eliminated. He emphasised that the process of border crossing must be speeded up and for this reason preparations have been started for the establishment of the joint border control. Answering a question, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said that a new border crossing point will be established in the near future at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border.

„Hungary backs the acceleration of the visa dialogue between the European Union and Ukraine and that tangible results could be reached even before the Eastern partnership summit to be organised next May in Riga” – the Hungarian minister emphasised. Péter Szijjártó confirmed to MTI that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit to Kiev is under consultation and is planned to be scheduled until spring at the latest.

At the press conference, Pavlo Klimkin expressed his hope that the group of the V4 countries would have five members after the accession of Ukraine. He said thanked Hungary for its readiness to help Ukraine in implementing the EU-Ukraine partnership agreement, and also for its efforts in the field of energy diversification, gas transfer from Europe to Ukraine and the Hungarian humanitarian aid handed over in Ukraine this week.

Answering the MTI’s question, Péter Szijjártó said that Hungarian civil and church organisations have so far sent an aid of HUF 13 million comprising medical equipment, medicinal products, vaccines and blankets. At the meeting, the Hungarian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers signed the consultation plan for 2015-2016 of the two ministries. Péter Szijjártó together with Minister of Education Szerhij Kvit signed the protocol on bilateral education and scientific cooperation for 2015-2017.

Answering a question with reference to this, Péter Szijjártó explained that the document is also extremely important because it puts special emphasis on minority education. „On the occasion of signing this, we strengthened our intention to provide 100 scholarships for Ukrainian students at Hungarian universities”. During his Kiev visit, Péter Szijjártó also met Volodimir Hrojszman, the President of the Ukrainian Parliament with whom he reviewed opportunities for strengthening relations between the two countries - especially in the area of Hungarian and Ukrainian legislation.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)