Hungary provides care for migrants conforming to international regulations, and anyone who claims the contrary states an untruth, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó pointed out on Friday.

In the communiqué sent to the Hungarian News Agency MTI by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Minister responded to the statements made after the meeting of the Swedish and French Prime Ministers.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called upon Hungary “to treat humanely” every migrant arriving at the borders of the country at his press conference held in Stockholm on Friday.

At the joint press conference, the Swedish Prime Minister, too, criticised the approach of the Hungarian Government. “We can argue about the methods of the reception of refugees, but to distinguish between them and to say that we are not letting in Muslims is unacceptable”, Stefan Löfven said.

Péter Szijjártó stated in response to this: „we ask the governments of Sweden and France to stop the hypocrisy, and to stop attacking the country which complies with EU regulations in every respect”.

He said: “we would have been pleased to hear the views of the Swedish and French Prime Ministers about whether they find it acceptable that aggressive migrants attack the Hungarian police with stones and pieces of concrete for hours”.

Due to the unfounded accusations levelled at Hungary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned the Swedish and French Ambassadors to Budapest to the Ministry, the communiqué reads.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)