The Hungarian Government has decided to join the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund with 20 MEURs, thus becoming the third Member of the Fund. The Hungarian Export-Import Bank’s aim is to finalize its accession before the TSI Ministerial Conference in June.

Hungary is an active Member of the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) since its conception, supporting its objective of investing in joint energy, infrastructure and IT projects that increase connectivity, security and further economic growth in the Central European region.

Hungary also proposes that the TSI establishes its permanent secretariat in Budapest. Launching an international secretariat will increase the visibility and capacities of the Initiative and enhance continuity, coordination and information sharing among stakeholders.

The next 3SI Summit in Tallinn in October can become one of the first examples of transatlantic economic cooperation involving States, international financial institutions, third party investors and the business sector in the post-COVID era, thus also contributing to economic recovery in the TSI region.