“As a result of the vote that occurred at the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference, Hungary has been elected to the organisation’s Executive Board; after an absence of ten years the country will be returning to the highly prestigious body”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s press chief, Máté Paczolay said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday.

“Membership of the Executive Board enables an increase in Hungary’s professional prestige and political presence, in addition to which it will assist the enforcement of Hungarian interests within the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”, he explained.

Hungary has been elected to the body for the period 2019-2023. The press chief stressed that the four-year mandate was won as a result of a comprehensive campaign and with the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. “The achievement is an excellent example of the international recognition of Hungary’s diplomatic activities among the members of one of the United Nations’ oldest organisation”, Mr. Paczolay said.