“Hungary’s position with relation to Ukraine remains unchanged”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Communication Tamás Menczer said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on the NATO summit that begins on Wednesday.

As he explained, until Ukraine stops stripping minorities of their rights and does not return the rights that have been removed, the Hungarian Government will be blocking Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration aspirations.

“The Hungarian Government will also not be authorising the convening of any NATO-Ukraine summit or ministerial-level meetings, and will be vetoing all joint, bilateral statements by NATO and Ukraine”, he added.

“The Hungarian Government will not be exercising its veto with relation to the summit on the security of the Black Sea region to be held with the participation of Georgia and Ukraine, or with relation to the joint statement to be issued following the meeting”, the Minister of State wrote.

The two-day NATO summit begins in Brussels on Wednesday.