In Brussels on Monday, following an informal meeting of some of the EU’s foreign ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said that Macedonia has made significant efforts towards the EU accelerating its integration talks.

The Minister said that Macedonia also deserves the EU’s attention, and gratitude for its achievements in halting the flow of migrants. He said that as a non-EU country, it has played a more positive role in solving the crisis than a number of EU countries – which could have played a more active role in finding a rapid solution to the situation.

Mr. Szijjártó also emphasised that respect must be shown for the wishes of the Macedonian people, who in successive elections have voted for a government which has cooperated satisfactorily with the European Union.

Austria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz said that European politicians have waited a very long time to address the issue of Macedonia’s integration. Participants in the informal working breakfast agreed that the country’s accession talks, which started in a critical period, should be concluded and the agreement must be finalised as soon as possible.

Mr. Kurz offered special thanks to his Serbian counterpart for the positive role his country has played in the migration crisis. This has not only taken pressure off neighbouring countries, but also off Germany and Sweden, he said.

The Austrian minister of foreign affairs added that if no EU-wide answer or usable action plan is found for the migration crisis, it will have to be solved through national measures.

Following the informal breakfast, which was organised by Hungary and Austria, Macedonian foreign minister Nikola Poposki said that his country has fulfilled the commitments it has made in the field of reforms, and it is ready for European integration. He emphasised that he looks forward to the elections in April, which in his view will strengthen the will to join the EU.

Mr. Poposki emphasised that Macedonia has already proved to the EU that it is able to act firmly and handle the migration pressure. He added that Macedonia will continue to be of help to the European Union in managing the migration crisis, and he expressed his gratitude to European countries, specifically expressing thanks for the support of Hungary and Austria.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)