On Friday Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI that during its Friday session, the Cabinet had discussed the proposal of Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, according to which eligibility for asylum status should be determined before entering Europe.

“Hungary supports the Austrian Foreign Minister’s plan according to which migrants should not be allowed into Europe from now on: the question of whether they are migrants or refugees should be determined outside the continent.  It has recently become apparent that it is very difficult to return migrants who have already arrived in Europe and about whom it has become clear that they have ‘no legal basis’ for being in Europe”, Mr. Szijjártó explained.

“One very important element of Prime Minister Orbán’s Schengen 2.0 proposal is that hot spots must be established outside the territory of the European Union and clear decisions must be made there. […] Accordingly, Hungary is glad to cooperate with Austria on this issue, and on 23 June, when the Austrian Foreign Minister will be visiting Budapest, this will be one of the most important topics of our discussions”, he said.

According to the Hungarian Minister, over the past year more and more people have been assuming the position “that we have represented for over a year now and which has led to us being criticised for over a year. […] A year ago the protection of the EU’s external borders was still a swearword, but now everyone is talking about it as if it was what they had been saying all along”, he added.

“At the time Hungary began suggesting that migrants should not be allowed to enter Europe, but instead the question of who is entitled to protection should be decided outside Europe, it was regarded as a swearword” but today, more and more people are talking about it, he added.

As time passes it is becoming increasingly clear that “the European Commission’s proposals are bad for Europe and will lead to its demise”, but there are also rational proposals – such as the one put forward by the Austrian Foreign Minister – which lead towards a solution”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)