Hungary is urging Albania’s Euro-Atlantic integration, and will request the European Commission to make a recommendation regarding the commencement of accession talks with the country, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said after he had talks with his Albanian counterpart on Tuesday in Budapest.

The Minister highlighted at his press conference: peace and stability in the Western Balkans are a strategic and national security interest of Hungary, and from this respect, Albania plays a key role. The fastest and simplest road leading to peace and stability in the region is Euro-Atlantic integration, and Hungary therefore supports the enlargement of the EU in the Western Balkans, he explained. He remarked: if the British people were to vote for leaving the EU, this would also considerably hinder the enlargement of the EU, despite the fact that the acceleration of the enlargement process is a strategic interest in the region.

Mr Szijjártó further informed the press: he also spoke to his Albanian partner about the fight against terrorism and immigration, and remarked that these two issues are related. One of the reasons for the current immigration crisis in Europe is the wider spread of the influence of terrorist organisations, and immigration creates an opportunity for smuggling the fighters of these organisations into Europe which in turn increases the threat of terrorism. We must continue the fight against terrorism, and must cooperate and come to an agreement with countries in North-Africa and the Middle-East regarding the establishment of hot spots in those regions. As a result, a decision may be reached outside the territory of the EU and the Western Balkans as to whether a particular individual is entitled to enter Europe, he pointed out. He added: the number of migrants coming here must be reduced to the bare minimum.

The Foreign Minister said: there are no open issues in the political relations of the two countries. Regarding economic cooperation, he highlighted: bilateral trade increased by 16 per cent last year, and by some 25 per cent in the first quarter of this year, and there are excellent opportunities for further growth. Eximbank opened a credit facility worth EUR 208 million to encourage cooperation between Hungarian and Albanian businesses, the Tirana Water Company is a strategic partner of the Metropolitan Water Company, and MVM Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. submitted a bid in the tender which was invited for connecting together the high voltage power networks of Macedonia and Albania, he said. Mr Szijjártó added: there will be a direct air service between Tirana and Budapest as of December.

Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati stressed: Hungarian-Albanian political relations have been excellent for some time, and in consequence, economic cooperation, too, may flourish. He took the view that there are plenty of opportunities for improving economic relations, and this may be promoted by the direct air service to be launched soon between the two countries and the credit facility made available by Eximbank.

The Albanian Minister spoke about the historical past of Hungarian-Albanian relations in terms of praise, and thanked Hungary for providing scholarship grants for the studies of Albanian students in Hungary. Ditmir Bushati highlighted that his country is doing everything in its power to forge closer relations with the EU, and welcomed the fact that Hungary supports these efforts.

In answer to a question regarding the news reports that a man was arrested in Brussels on Tuesday after he walked into a shopping centre wearing an object similar to a detonator belt, Mr Szijjártó said: this incident, too, highlights that everyone throughout Europe must exercise increased caution, and this is particularly true of Brussels where a level three terror alert continues to remain in force. The authorities are attempting to prevent further tragedies and attacks, but we need to exercise increased caution, he said. He stressed: protecting Europe is more important than ever.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)