The Government of Hungary affirms that the international community cannot remain idle following the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 28 July. The DPRK has repeatedly and flagrantly violated the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and has continuously rejected cooperation with the international community.

Hungary and its allies condemn the launch of the missile, which landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone.

The North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programme not only represents a serious danger to the security of the Korean peninsula and the region, but also poses a global threat to the entire world.

The Hungarian Government calls upon Pyongyang to stop all provocations, to dismantle its nuclear programme and to immediately re-enter the Six-Party Talks, which could lead to a nuclear weapon-free and enduring settlement based on peace on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and reckless provocations constitute the gravest threat to global safety and security today. We must increase diplomatic and economic pressure on the North Korean leadership to abandon their plans, which threaten regional and global peace. Hungary welcomes even closer coordination between responsible members of the international community to repress North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. We urge every country involved to fully commit to stopping the regime in Pyongyang.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)