The Government of Hungary condemns, in the strongest terms, the ballistic missile launch conducted by North Korea today. The DPRK, with this missile test, has repeatedly and flagrantly violated the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and has continuously rejected cooperation with the international community. Hungary and its allies condemn the launch of the missile, which again breached the air space of Japan.

The North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile program not only represents a serious danger to the security of the Korean Peninsula and the region, but also poses a global threat to the entire world.

As long as the DPRK clearly rejects all cooperation with the international community, there is no choice but to increase diplomatic and economic pressure in order to compel the North Korean leadership to abandon their plans, which threaten regional and global peace.

Hungary agrees with convening the UN Security Council, and urges that the international community adopt stronger sanctions vis-a-vis North Korea. We deem necessary that every country involved is fully committed to stopping the regime in Pyongyang.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)