Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade declared in the Thursday morning programme of M1 update channel: In the question of refugee affairs, the pressure on Hungary is the greatest and the most significant, according to the data, more immigrants were registered in Hungary than in Italy or Greece.

Péter Szíjjártó recalled: In the first 5 months of the year, 50,430 immigrants crossed the Hungarian border, while 48,000 immigrants have been registered in Greece and 47,000 in Italy. In the terms of the fence along Hungary's border with Serbia, the Minister noted that the European Union is seeking a consensus on the problem of immigration, but Hungary has no time to waste.

He said: The international media mainly focuses on the Mediterranean, and gives less attention to the greater pressure Hungary is forced to bear. It seems the EU is ignoring the fact that tens of thousands of immigrants are coming to Europe through the Western Balkan route.

The Minister insisted, in that situation, it is evident that the government takes measures to protect Hungary and Hungarian people from the pressure of immigrants and that is why a decision has been taken on the preparation of the construction of the security fence. He also stressed that the fence is designed to close off the green border while crossing stations would continue to offer legal entry.

Péter Szijjártó said that he had consulted his Serbian counterpart by phone on Wednesday. The issue of immigration is expected to be discussed with EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday's deliberations as well. He added that he would emphasize and draw attention to the fact that a huge number of immigrants arrived at Europe on two routes.

Referring to recent remarks by Pope Francis, Péter Szijjártó said he totally shared the view that those who were forced to leave their homes needed to be assisted. He added: If people leave their homeland for economic reasons, those reasons must be eliminated.

As for political refugees, Hungary is ready to continue to accept and grant asylum to victims of dictatorships- said Péter Szíjjártó.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)