Hungary welcomes the signing of the agreement by Dr. Ashraf Ghani Amidzai and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah regarding the establishment of a government of national unity in Afghanistan.

It is our sincere hope that the agreement guarantees a peaceful political transition, for which the forming of a democratic and representative government based on the inclusion of every democratic political force, as well as every ethnic group is essential. The consequent realization of the endeavours lying at the basis of this agreement will enhance the stability and prosperity of Afghanistan.

The Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) have produced significant results in stabilizing and securing Afghanistan in the past few months, particularly during the elections. The forming of a stable and democratic government that is capable of countering security challenges faced by the country is of vital importance in order to sustain this positive trend.

As a responsible member of the international community,Hungary remains committed to supporting Afghanistan in its reforms aiming to build a secure, stable, and prosperous country.Thus, it has confirmed its earlier pledge to financially support the ANSF with an annual sum of five hundred thousand dollars from 2015 to 2017 as part of an international endeavour. It is ready, furthermore, to send a hundred troops to NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan once the appropriate legal framework is created."

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)