“Just like Israel, Hungary will also take action against anyone who represents a national security risk to the country and its citizens”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Saturday in reaction to criticism from the Israeli Ambassador of the advertising campaign that includes images of George Soros.

“George Soros wants to have the border security fence demolished and would like to settle hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Europe and Hungary with the help of the NGOs he finances”, Mr. Szijjártó declared, adding that: “These illegal immigrants, who very often harbour anti-Semitic views, represent a danger to Europe and to Hungary’s Jewish community”.

“Accordingly, Hungary’s Government will use all possible means to protect Hungarian citizens from the danger posed by the financial speculator and his organisations, who are working to facilitate illegal immigration”, the Foreign Minister said in the statement.

In a statement published on a community portal in Saturday, Israeli Ambassador Yossi Amrani wrote that he calls on those responsible for the poster campaign to think through the consequences. “Base on historical experience, no advantage can be derived from a campaign of this nature”, he said, adding that: “In addition to criticising the politics of a certain individual, this campaign not only evokes sad memories, but also incites fear and hatred”.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)