Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó discussed the situation evolving on the Korean Peninsula today with Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Budapest Yim Geun-hyeong. The Ambassador expressed his country’s grave concern that, in clear violation of several UN Security Council resolutions, North Korea is continuing its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. The irresponsible and provocative actions of the regime in Pyongyang currently pose a global threat.

Minister Szijjártó responded that Hungary is closely monitoring the unfolding events on the Korean Peninsula. Although some nations may view the tensions there as a regional issue, it is Hungary’s firm position that the North Korean arms programme constitutes the most serious threat to global security. He praised the stability of the economy and financial systems of the Republic of Korea and that its people continue to resist the warmongering actions and rhetoric of Pyongyang.

Both parties welcomed the fact that international cooperation to stop North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programmes is stronger than ever before and called on all nations to participate. They agreed that the denuclearization of North Korea is in the common interests of all nations. A nuclear-armed North Korea is unacceptable to all responsible members of the international community.

Minister Szijjártó reaffirmed that the Republic of Korea can count on Hungary. The Government of Hungary will continue its policy of supporting the increase of financial and diplomatic pressure on the North Korean leadership. We continue to support the adoption of new sanctions to stop the nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and call for the strict enforcement of those already in force. Hungary has already taken the necessary steps and we expect the same from others.

The South Korean Ambassador reiterated his country’s appreciation of Hungary’s commitment to this issue and that we are representing this position in international forums such as the EU. In his view, Hungary’s firm approach contributes to solidifying global cooperation.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)