“For years, the consistent standpoint of Hungary and the other members of the Visegrád Group (V4) has been that illegal immigration is dangerous, and accordingly must be stopped, and that the borders must be protected”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in an interview published in Saturday’s edition of Czech daily Lidové Noviny.

“In recent years is has been proven that the Central Europeans were right. Over the past two and a half years terrorists with immigrants backgrounds have committed 27 terrorist attacks, claiming 330 innocent lives and injuring 1300 others”, the Minister pointed out.

The Minister reminded the press that with the help of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary had successfully protected its southern borders and stopped the wave of migration there.

With relation to the lack of solidarity that the V4 is often accused of by Western European countries, Mr. Szijjártó explained. “If Hungary hadn’t closed its southern borders with the help of its Visegrád Group partners, there wouldn’t be one and a half million illegal immigrants in the West today, but many, many more”. “Hungary has spent one billion euros on defending the Schengen borders, but it hasn’t received a single euro cent from Brussels towards doing so”, he pointed out.

“In my opinion in Central Europe we have successfully proven that we must indeed insist on Europe remaining a land of Europeans. We must continue to stand up for the fact that we are a Christian continent, and also for the fact that no-go zones must not be allowed to come about here”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, the Western standpoint according to which EU funding should be tied to the admittance of migrants is “blackmail”. “We must clearly recognise that EU funding is not humanitarian aid, because these are resources to which the given country is entitled in accordance with the treaties”, Mr. Szijjártó underlined.