According to the latest calculations, the recently observed huge gain in the rate of illegal migration represents increased expenditure of over 15 billion forints (EUR 47.5mn) for Hungary, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told the press on Thursday.

This was calculated using a figure of 1200 illegal immigrants entering the country every day, but since then their average numbers have exceeded 1800 and some 140 thousand illegal immigrants have arrived in Hungary so far this year.

The Minister also drew attention to the fact that in the winter months illegal migration typical occurs over land rather than across water, and especially via the Western Balkans, and accordingly the number of illegal immigrants entering Hungary could reach 400 thousand by the end of the year.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, the European Union must not be allowed to sabotage the migration conference planned to take place in Budapest in October, at which the measures required to combat the migration pressure on the region will be discussed and developed.

The dramatic situation that has arisen in the Western Balkans is having a similar effect on Hungary and sabotaging the planned conference on the issue would be an improper and indefensible decision on the part of the European Union, Mr. Szijjártó said, adding that work is already underway on preparing the conference, which based on a Hungarian proposal will be attended by European Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Interior.

The Minister also mentioned that there is continuous discussion at Minister of Interior level regarding migration and he himself will be holding talks next week with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia on Macedonian efforts to curb the wave of migrants, while on Friday and Saturday of next week EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs will also be meeting in Luxembourg to discuss, among others, migratory pressure. The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs has also been invited to attend the meeting, where he will be holding bilateral talks on the issue.

Mr. Szijjártó informed the press that he has told the German Minister of Foreign Affairs that a dramatic state of affairs had developed along Hungary’s southern border, migrants are becoming increasingly aggressive and are not willing to cooperate with the authorities and perform the required EU registration procedure.

The Minister repeated Hungary’s opinion that a quota system would not be a good solution to the issue of migration, because we should not apply a solution that encourages migrants to come to the European Union; what we should instead be doing is helping them stay at home.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)