“The European integration of partner countries must be accelerates in the interests of both the stability of the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Europe’s security”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in the recess of today’s meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister told reporters that the security situation in Europe’s eastern neighbourhood is extremely fragile: with the exception of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia all have “hot” or frozen territorial disputes or conflicts of another nature that have a direct effect on Europe’s security.

“The countries in question need positive feedback from Europe, because otherwise public support for governments that are in favour of integration could fall dramatically”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised.

According to the Foreign Minister, Georgia and Ukraine must be afforded visa-free travel immediately in view of the fact that both countries have fulfilled the required conditions. A delay could also reduce Europe’s credibility, he added.

Hungary has also recommended the earliest possible signing of a partnership agreement with Azerbaijan in view of the fact that the Caspian Sea country represents Europe’s only short-term source of available energy diversification, and accordingly Azerbaijan should be regarded as a strategic partner, Mr. Szijjártó said.

At the meeting, Hungary also recommended that EU financial resources must be made available to Belarus because, amongst other reasons, economic and trade cooperation with Belarus is expected to be extremely favourable for Europe, he added.

According to the Foreign Minister, the EU should exploit the fact that its partners include Belarus and Armenia, both of whom are members of the Eurasian Economic Union. With their help, Europe could maintain the long-term possibility of economic cooperation based on mutual advantages, he said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)