The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade informed MTI on Monday that a governmental working group had gathered with the coordination of the Ministry to prepare the increase of Hungary’s involvement in the Western coalition against the Islamic State.

According to Péter Szijjártó, Hungary is part of the Western community of values and this involves obligations. Since the Islamic State terrorist organisation had launched an attack against the whole of the Western community of values, "it is our duty to contribute to the efforts against the terrorist organisation", the minister said.

The Ministry mentioned that on Tuesday, Péter Szijjártó would inform the parliamentary parties about the fact that military participation requires a two thirds majority, and he would take part in the meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly next week.

They recalled that a request had been made by the United States for Hungary to fulfil security and defence tasks during the training activities of the allies. Furthermore, they said that if the National Assembly provides the necessary authorisation, the Hungarian soldiers may arrive in Northern Iraq in May.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)