“It is Greece’s duty to protect the external, Schengen borders of the European Union”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Wednesday at a press conference on another topic in Budapest.

Mr. Szijjártó said he had consulted with the Greek Foreign Minister after migrants had set out towards the European Union from Turkey. “If migration pressure were even greater and the wave of migration were to sweep across the Western Balkans, Hungary would still protect its southern border. We are not allowing illegal entry to anyone and will not bow to any application of pressure”, he stated. “It has been evident for several months that there are two possibilities before Turkey, which has admitted to four million refugees: either it creates the opportunity for the refugees to return home, or it opens its doors in the direction of Europe”, the politician explained. “It is time for Brussels to wake up and, instead of its hypocritical immigration policy that poses a danger to Europe, finally do what is in the interests of the European people, and will enable the protection of security of the people of Europe”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised. “The conditions must be created to enable the refugees to return home”, he added.