According to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, it is the revenge of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that Hungary has been classified as a country that deals reprehensibly with human rights activists and has been placed on a list “on which it has no business being”.

At a press conference on another topic in Budapest on Thursday, Mr. Szijjártó responded to a question from Hungarian news agency MTI concerning the fact that on Wednesday the United Nations issued a list of thirty-eight countries, including Hungary, Russia and China, which according to the world organisation take reprehensible action against human rights activities that cooperate with the UN.

“Hungary has exited the adoption process of the Global Compact for Migration, and this is the UN Secretary-General’s personal project, a document that inspires migration processes to an extraordinary extent and is at odds with Hungary’s migration policy”, the Foreign Minister stated.

“Hungary will, however, not be changing its migration policy”, Mr. Szijjártó declared, explaining that the UN Secretary-General is an “extremist pro-immigration” politician. “Hungary opposed the Global Compact for Migration from the very beginning and made it clear that it will not be supporting it”, he noted.

Mr. Szijjártó said that in his opinion there is accordingly no possible explanation for the fact that Hungary has been placed on this list, other than that it is revenge against Hungary for not supporting the Global Compact.

In reply to a question on the Sargentini Report, which was adopted by the European Parliament on Wednesday, the Hungarian Foreign Minister said: “Fraud has occurred, because the EU treaties clearly stipulate how decisions must be made in the European Parliament”. The Sargentini Report is “full of lies”, he declared.