“IT Services Hungary Limited (ITSH) will be creating 360 news jobs at its premises in Szeged, Debrecen and Pécs with an investment of 4.6 billion forints (EUR 15M)”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced at a press conference.

“The Government is providing a subsidy of 650 million forints towards the investment, through which the info-communications company will be able to provide services to even more enterprises”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted.

“ITSH is a member of the Deutsche Telekom Group, which is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and a frontrunner in digitalisation and the transition to the new industrial era that will determine the future of the global economy. ITSH is the largest service centre in Hungary and provides jobs for 4400 people in four cities”, he explained.


“The global economy and industry is approaching a new era, and who the winners of this new era will be is being decided now”, the Minister emphasised. “Companies and countries too are competing with each other and the success of countries depends on whether they are capable of establishing strategic alliances and cooperation with companies that are the flagships of the transition to the new era”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó said Hungary had entered this competition and he regards it as a further success that ITSH has decided to increase the capacities of the service centres it has operating in Hungary.

The Foreign Minister highlighted the importance of service centres in view of the fact that the 90 service centres currently operating in Hungary provide jobs for a total of 40 thousand people and are frontrunners in keeping young job-seekers in Hungary. Service centre investments are only slightly behind automotive industry investments again this year, he added.


Managing Director of ITSH Chris Wilson stressed the importance of the education system, explaining that students must become familiar with the latest technologies and this is why the company cooperates with several schools and colleges, and adding that cooperation with local municipalities is also important.

ITSH has been operating in Hungary for ten years and concluded a strategic cooperation with the Hungarian Government last year, he pointed out.

Deputy Mayor of Pécs László Őri spoke about the fact that Pécs is the Hungarian city that experienced the greatest recession following the change in regime in 1989 with the dismantling of several sectors of industry and the closure of the mines, and for this reason the municipality has set full employment as its target and accordingly all local government decisions are subordinate to economic development and job creation.

“Pécs is particularly appreciative of its cooperation with ITSH, which provides jobs to over 500 young people from the city. The latest project will create the opportunity to enable even more trained young people to work in Hungarian cities and build their futures here”, he said.

IT Services Hungary Ltd. is Hungary’s largest info-communications employer. The company, which is owned by the Deutsche Telekom Group and is present in four Hungarian cities - Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs - is one of the Hungarian IT sector’s most dynamically expanding enterprises.

According to the public database, the company’s net revenues increased to 50.08 billion forints (EUR 162M) from 44.57 billion in the previous year, while its after tax profits increased from 867 million forints in 2014 to 2.26 billion forints in the space of one year.
