“Bilateral relations between Hungary and Kenya have perhaps never been as active as they are now”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

Mr. Szijjártó explained that following his visit to Tashkent, he had spoken by telephone to his former Kenyan counterpart, now Minister for Sport and Culture, Amina Mohamed. According to the Minister, 800 young Kenyans have applied for the 100 available Hungarian university scholarship places, and trade flow between the two countries has increased by almost 50 percent this year.

“We supported Kenya’s bid for membership of the UN Security Council, because the country plays an important role in the fight against terrorism and extremist ideologies”, Mr. Szijjártó stated, adding that a commemorative plaque to 18th century Hungarian explorer and Africa-researcher Count Sámuel Teleki will soon be unveiled in Kenya. The Minister emphasised that Amina Mohamed is competing for the post of World Trade Organisation (WTO) Director-General. “He is a good candidate”, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)