“The Hungarian Government is providing some 5.5 billion forints (EUR 264 million) in funding, some 37 percent of the 15 billion forints (EUR 720 million) investment”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Communication Tamás Menczer said at the official launch of the project.

“Germany is Hungary’s most important economic partner: sic thousand German enterprises provide jobs for over three hundred thousand people in Hungary”, he added.

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Mr. Menczer recalled that when the Orbán Government came into office in 2010 the unemployment rate in Hungary stood at 12.5 percent, but this figure has now fallen to 3.5 percent, meaning “everyone who wants to can find a job”.

“Foreign investors such as Krones have played a huge role in this, while the Government has also introduced the necessary measures”, the Minister of State said, referring to the fact that Hungary now has one of the lowest rates of personal income tax in Europe and an extremely low, single figure corporation tax.

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“If there is work, there is everything”, Mr. Menczer said, quoting the Government’s creed, adding that according to a recent survey 84 percent of German company directors operating in Hungary would choose Hungary as their investment destination again. “The construction of the new plant proves the company’s commitment to Eastern Europe”, he noted.
