The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Economic Diplomacy Levente Magyar and Ukrainian Member of Parliament and President of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association (KMKSZ) Mr. László Brenzovics concluded a cooperation agreement on 9 June 2016 in Beregszász/Berehove on the launching of a close to 30 billion forint (EUR 96M) economic development funding programme before the end of the year aimed at the economic strengthening of Hungarians in Transcarpathia.

At the signing ceremony held at the Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, Mr. Magyar stressed: “The whole Hungarian nation is experience a period of advancement, with the signs of intellectual and material gain apparent every single day”. “Everyone can see the depth of the processes going on in Hungary, and including the whole of the Carpathian Basin, which paint a positive and promising picture. But at the same time, we must be aware of the fact that not all parts of the nation are party to this advancement to an equal extent: history, as it has so many times for past generations, is again treating Transcarpathia unkindly, and as a result those who wish to remain Hungarian and survive in the land of their birth must face severe difficulties and challenges. But this fate has created the Carpathian Basin’s most vigorous, toughest and perhaps spiritually richest community”, he added.

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“An important prerequisite for the continued existence of Hungarians in Transcarpathia is that in addition to a willingness to work they should also possess the required tools. It is based on this realisation that the Hungarian Government has decided to launch an economic development programme of never before seen magnitude in Transcarpathia, so that the farmers, entrepreneurs and companies who provide the economic foundations for the continued survival of this part pf the nation receive funding and loan opportunities”, the Minister of State highlighted.

Mr. Magyar noted that never before has so much money been pumped into Transcarpathia and never before have those tasked with the implementation of the funding programme had to bear such a level of responsibility. “I can promise you that we will do everything possible to ensure that we take the greatest possible care of every single forint so that every single Hryvnia gets to where it is most needed”, the Minister of State said. “The tenders through which billions in funding will be distributed to enterprises will be published within a few weeks. The construction of a fruit processing plant in Vyshkovo, near Khuszt, which will be capable of serving all of Transcarpathia’s suppliers, is expected to begin before the end of this year”, he added.

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“I firmly believe that this economic development programme, which is based on joint effort, will fundamentally change the prospects and population-retaining economic strength of the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia”, Mr. Levente declared.

KMKSZ President László Brenzovics said: “By launching this programme the Hungarian Government has once again proven that it will not let go of the Hungarians of Transcarpathia in this extremely difficult current situation and is providing support to enable the community to continue to live in the land of their birth. This will be accomplished by an economic development programme of never before seen magnitude, the management of which it has entrusted to the KMKSZ”. “This funding is for all the Hungarians in Transcarpathia and the Hungarian Government and Hungarian society have confidence in the fact that they are capable to realising such a programme and that it is worth investing in the Hungarians of Transcarpathia, because we can survive as a community in the land of our birth”, he added.

Mr. Brenzovics also told the press that the organisation had developed a plan for the suitable receiving of the funding and have established a foundation that bears the name of Ede Egán, who developed the successful “Highlands Operation” economic development plan in the 1890s. The KMKSZ has also involved the major churches and social organisations in the management of the programme, he said, stressing that the economic development funding primarily provides hope that the situation of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia may improve.

In reply to a question from Hungarian news agency MTI, Mr. Levente said: 2 billion forints (EUR 6.4M) in non-refundable funding will be distributed to help reinforce local Hungarian farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this year within the framework of the programme, while next year a further 5 billion forints (EUR 16M) will be distributed. In addition, a 20 billion forint (EUR 64M) credit line will also be available to enterprises. In addition to easing the situation of SMEs and farmers, the Government also plans to support larger companies to enable them to establish plants in Transcarpathia that produce high added value products.