“Macedonia is a living example of what happens when a series of external influence attempts destabilise internal politics”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at an impromptu press conference prior to a summit of the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists on Wednesday in Budapest.

“When the VMRO-DPMNE patriotic party won the previous elections the opposition was not prepared to take part in joint work and foreign powers wanted to dictate who should govern the country. A stable government coalition was forced to appoint a few politicians from one of the ‘heavily defeated’ opposition parties to key positions, such as that of Interior Minister”, Mr. Szijjártó added.

According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, we can now see the end result: a stable country has become one of chaos. “We can see what organisations clearly interfered on the side of the opposition, and institutions and organisations linked to George Soros have been very active in Macedonia recently”, he added.

In Mr. Szijjártó’s opinion, the fate of Macedonia must serve as a deterrent example of the effects of foreign interference. It is in Hungary’s interests for there to be peace and stability in the Western Balkans, because if a new wave of migration were to set out for Europe from Turkey then Macedonia would be unable to stop it”, the Minister highlighted.