“The President of France and the European Commission President are pro-immigration politicians, and they are criticising and attacking Hungary for not having allowed entry to the immigrants and for protecting its borders”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade told public media on Friday.

“Emmanuel Macron will be the leader of the pro-immigration group during the European Parliament elections, while Jean-Claude Juncker holds personal responsibility for the development of the immigration crisis”, Péter Szijjártó said.

“Both are attacking Hungary because they want more immigrants to arrive in Europe”, the Minister explained.

“They want to modify the make-up of the European population, while we are resisting this and do not want to see illegal immigrants in Europe”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister declared.

“The stakes at the upcoming European parliament elections are huge, because from the perspective of the European Union the future make-up of the new European Parliament and European Commission to be formed following the elections, and whether the supporters or rejecters of immigration will be in the majority, is hugely important”, he added.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)