According to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, Martin Schulz, chancellor-candidate of the German social democrats would be better off minding his own party’s business, rather than criticising Hungary and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

In the communication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade sent to the Hungarian news agency MTI, the Minister responded to the interviews published on Thursday in the online editions of Frankfurter Rundschau and Berliner Zeitung.

In the interview the chancellor-candidate of the German Social Democrats (SPD) criticised Poland and Hungary, among others, for saying yes to European solidarity when they want money from the EU’s structural funds, but saying no when it comes to refugees. As he said, he would put an end to this as Chancellor.

Mr Szijjártó wrote: Martin Schulz continues to focus on Hungary and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, regardless of the context, and „we know precisely” that he regularly berates both. However, the German left-wing politician would be better off minding his own party’s business as they have recently sustained major electoral defeats, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)