A shipment of aid from Turkey, including face visors and hand sanitizer, was presented to the Hungarian authorities in Budapest on Tuesday. The medical equipment arrived aboard three heavy goods vehicles.

At the presentation ceremony, Vice President Suat Karakus of the Turkish-Hungarian chapter of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK), which organised the donation, said 50 thousand face visors, 16 thousand hand sanitisers and 20 thousand high alcohol content, scented hand sanitisers were procured for Hungary from Turkish enterprises. The Turkish businessman said that in his view solidarity between the two countries will continue following the epidemic, and cooperation could expand to cover even more areas. Parliamentary State Secretary Levente Magyar from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who officially received the donation, highlighted: “During the coronavirus pandemic, Hungary mostly received assistance from the East, including from practically every country of the Turkic world”. “As a result of joint efforts, in Hungary we have succeeded in preventing a direct healthcare emergency, meaning we can now concentrate all of our strength on preventing an economic emergency”, he said. “But the danger has not passed, the problem may return at any time”, he added, stressing that over the coming months great attention must be paid to accumulating the required healthcare equipment.

“During the first weeks of the epidemic, Hungary was faced by the level to which it is vulnerable if it does not manufacture certain protective healthcare equipment”, Mr. Magyar said. “We have partly already changed this, or are in the process of changing it, but continue to rely to a major extent on ‘our friends’ who produce equipment of this nature and who are helping in this time of need”, he added.

Turkish Ambassador Ahmet Akif Oktay drew attention to the fact that both Turkey and Hungary have succeeded at keeping the number of victims and the damage caused by the epidemic at a low level thanks to their effective measures. According to the diplomat, the two countries have successfully passed the test with relation to solidarity, and have also provided a helping hand to several other countries. At the event, Mr. Magyar also thanked President of the Turkish-Hungarian chapter of the DEIK Adnan Polat for having organised the donation.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)