On Tuesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó heed talks with leaders of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (AmCham).

The Minister and the fifteen business leaders attending the meeting discussed measures needed to make Hungary’s investment environment more competitive.

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Mr. Szijjártó told participants at the event that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Ministry for National Economy are currently preparing a package of proposals aimed at introducing measures in the fields of labour mobility, research and development and innovation, through which Hungary could become an even more attractive location for investment.

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The economies of Hungary and the United States have never cooperated as closely as they are doing now. Last year the US accounted for a higher level of investment in Hungary than any other country. There are 1,600 American companies in Hungary, who employ a combined total of 100,000 people in the country. Last year – for the first time ever – the US was Hungary’s number one export market outside the EU.

(MTI / Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)