Challenges of the world, including terrorism, are on the rise. The Islamic State poses a threat to the whole civilised world; it can only be combatted successfully through joint efforts and by improving the effectiveness of the UN, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said at a UN conference held in Budapest.

Hungary’s UN membership is of great importance to us: it is an integral part of our foreign policy. Together with global challenges, we attach great importance to the protection of Christian communities around the word, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised at the event organised on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the formation of UN, and the 60th anniversary of Hungary’s membership in the organisation.

Hungarian UN Ambassador Katalin Bogyay stressed the importance of defending women in her address. She said that we must fight against modern slavery, as according to estimates, approximately 35.8 million people - mostly women and young girls - in the world are exposed to this problem.