According to the press chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, compared with past decades the security situation is at its worst today in Europe, and the Ministry is therefore appealing repeatedly to everyone travelling abroad to exercise more caution and recommends that they register on the website of Hungary’s consular services.

In his communication sent to the Hungarian news agency MTI on Sunday, Tamás Menczer wrote: the level of the threat of terrorism in Europe is higher today than at any time before. More than three hundred people have lost their lives since the Paris terrorist attack in 2015, and some one thousand people have been injured in terrorist attacks in Europe.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is therefore asking travellers to register on the website of Hungary’s consular services even in the case of short stays abroad, and to state their whereabouts as accurately as they can.

In the case of trouble, this is how the staff members of foreign representations can help as promptly as possible, they added.

They reiterated that the necessary information and security categories can be found for each country on the website of the consular services.

They highlighted: the countries which are not rated qualify as safe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not at all recommend travel to the countries classified into the first category, while in the case of category two, travel to the countries concerned involves considerable security risks. They also drew attention to the fact that, in the case of certain countries, different regions may fall into different security categories.

The Ministry stressed that every Hungarian foreign representation provides a round-the-clock duty service on every day of the week. It is well worth taking down the duty telephone number of the competent foreign representation before departure, they wrote in their communication.

They further highlighted that it is important to take out the necessary travel insurance.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)