Spokesperson at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Tamás Menczer told Hungarian television channel M1 that the Ministry is aware of one Hungarian woman who was injured during the terrorist attack in Nice.

Mr. Menczer said that the Ministry had not so far received any official information from the French authorities about Hungarians being involved.

The woman, who suffered minor injuries, called her mother who was in Székesfehérvár and told her that she had been injured and was at her accommodation waiting for assistance.

He added that another Hungarian woman was accompanied to a safe place after the attack.

Mr. Menczer said that the Hungarian representation is trying to contact every Hungarian known to be in France, in order to clarify their whereabouts and wellbeing, and ask whether they need any help. In addition, the following telephone number can be used for questions and information: 00 33 683 254 362.

More than twelve thousand Hungarians have registered with the consulate while in France, and the number of people who might be staying in the region have been deduced from this number, Mr. Menczer said.

He added that the driver responsible for the terrorist act had been shot, and firearms and hand grenades had been found in his truck.

According to the latest reports more than eighty people were killed on Thursday night when a lorry drove through crowds after a fireworks display on the French national day.