The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade requests UN officials not to judge the situation in Hungary based on biased, one-sided media reports.

In its communiqué issued on Sunday, the Ministry responded to the fact that Zaid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spoke in an interview given to the pan-Arabic news television channel Al Jazeera of the way in which the Hungarian Government is managing the refugee situation in critical terms.

The Ministry stated in its reaction: it is regrettable that one of the UN’s most important officials voices an opinion on events in Hungary without knowledge of the actual facts.

The Hungarian police did not deploy tear gas and water cannon against innocent refugees but against aggressive criminals who had been attacking them with stones and pieces of concrete for hours, the Ministry pointed out.

The Ministry further commented: “we would have been pleased to hear what the diplomat had to say about the enforcement of the injured policemen’s rights who were protecting their country’s border”.

The communiqué additionally remarks that the analogy between the current situation and 1956 is a false one as at that time Hungarian refugees fully respected the laws of the recipient countries, cooperated with the authorities, and did not throw stones at the police of the recipient countries.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)