The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned Ukraine’s Ambassador to Budapest on Monday because of Hunor Kelemen’s expulsion from Ukraine, the Ministry said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI.

“We reject the latest anti-Hungarian provocation in the strongest possible terms; the continuous anti-Hungarian decisions of the Ukrainian parliament and government are unacceptable”, the Ministry rote. “Despite Ukraine’s ‘unfair measures’, Hungary is providing various forms of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but the Ukrainian administration ‘regards the Hungarians as an enemy’, which is outrageous and unacceptable”, the Ministry highlighted.

President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) Hunor Kelemen announced on social media on Saturday that he has been expelled from Ukraine for 18 months. The RMDSZ President would have liked to travel to Ungvár (Uzhhorod) to attend the 30th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, but after an hour of waiting and checks at the border, he was told he cannot enter Ukraine, he wrote. No explanation was given for him being denied entry. On Saturday, Minister of State for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer said Hungary regards the expulsion of Hunor Kelemen as unacceptable and for this reason the Ministry will be summoning the Ukrainian Ambassador.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)