The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned the Ambassador of Greece to Budapest for Monday in connection with an interview given by the Greek Interior Minister to a Swedish newspaper.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stated in his communication sent to the Hungarian News Agency MTI that the Greek Interior Minister was lying through his teeth when he said that Greece is protecting its borders. “If this is the case, how could more than 202,000 illegal migrants come to Hungary this year?”, the Minister asked, who believes that “it would be beneficial if the Greek Government stopped taking the European people for a ride but took genuine measures in the interest of protecting its border and registering migrants”.

Mr Szijjártó also responded to a statement made by Italian Foreign Minister Gentiloni in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. According to the Hungarian Foreign minister, “Italy is one of the front countries of the wave of migration, and therefore the Italian Foreign Minister would be better off if he paid more attention to ensuring that his country comply with all EU regulations as Hungary does”. “We would also have appreciated the view of the Italian Foreign Minister on the brutal and organised attack on the Hungarian police, and the fact that Croatia sends migrants on to Hungary without registration, in defiance of the European regulations”, Mr Szijjártó added.

(Prime Minister's Office/MT)