Hungary which lies at the Eastern border of the European Union has a vested interest in being bordered by countries from the East which are prepared to cooperate with the EU both economically and in our security endeavours, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told the Hungarian news agency MTI by telephone during a break in his negotiations in Moldova on Tuesday.

The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade is conducting talks with head of state Igor Dodon, Prime Minister Pavel Filip, Foreign Minister Tudor Ulianovschi and Speaker of the House Andrian Candu in Chisinau.

Mr Szijjártó stressed that Hungary supports the EU’s Eastern partnership policy also involving Moldova which, however, must be based on mutual respect, and which should not be used for intervening in the internal political processes of the countries participating in the programme or for continually lecturing them because that will only lead to their alienation.

Hungary, the Minister continued, regards Moldova as an extremely important partner as it may serve as a link between European integration and the Eurasian Economic Union. It is easy to appreciate that the EU has a pragmatic interest in the development of economic cooperation between the two blocs based on mutual respect and the enforcement of each party’s respective interests.

“We respect Moldova’s policy which focuses on its own national interests, and will therefore provide assistance with building their system of foreign policy institutions,” Mr Szijjártó continued. He said that the newly formed Diplomatic Academy of Moldova had entered into a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and on Tuesday the Hungarian party handed over a donation of diplomatic literature worth HUF 320,000 to the Moldovan institution.

“On a number of occasions, we have prevented the EU, usually together with our Romanian colleagues, from levelling undue criticisms at Moldova, and we do not support the suspension by Brussels of any macro-financial assistance awarded to Moldova. We do, however, support Moldova in its efforts to participate in the China-Central Europe 16+1 cooperation as an observer”, the Minister said. The politician announced that, according to an agreement, Hungarian companies will implement water management developments in Moldova with Chinese financing.

Mr Szijjártó recalled that last year Hungarian exports to Moldova exceeded EUR 100 million, and OTP acquired a considerable portion of the share package of the bank with the fourth largest market share in Moldova. As a result, the largest Hungarian bank will soon become the fourth strongest player on the Moldovan banking market.