Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic integration being the key to the stability in the Balkans, Hungary is committed to supporting the country’s integration – said Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó.

The minister conducted negotiations with Montenegro’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Luksic on Friday morning.  Szijjártó Péter stated: among the countries in the West-Balkan Montenegro is the closest to acceding to the EU and the NATO, which also means that Montenegro’s forthcoming Euro-Atlantic integration increases the stability in the region.

DownloadPhoto: Márton KovácsThe stability of the West-Balkan region is of key importance for Hungary, as destabilisation might have fatal consequences within the current political and economic changes in the world, he underlined. He also added that Hungary has always supported and will continue to support Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic integration in the future.

The minister emphasised that it is indispensable for Montenegro to receive a formal invitation this year to accede the NATO; there is no reason for delay. Concerning the country’s EU accession he said that the European Commission should accelerate the negotiations. Talking about bilateral economic relations, Péter Szijjártó underlined that Hungary is the second biggest investor among the EU member states in Montenegro.

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Trade relations will have to be fostered, in this respect the newly opened representation of the Hungarian National Trading House (Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt.) in Podgorica may be instrumental, whereas Eximbank has opened a credit line worth EUR 45 million, giving an incentive to the cooperation between the Hungarian and Montenegrin SMEs, he said. He also mentioned the next meeting of the economic joint committee planned for the end of March, and the governmental negotiations, already in their final phase, conducted about the establishing of a direct flight connection between the two countries.

According to the minister the cooperation in the field of energy safety and food industry offers the best perspectives for both countries. He said that 30 Montenegrin students have been offered a grant to pursue their studies at Hungarian universities.

DownloadPhoto: Márton Kovács

Igor Luksic underlined that Hungary knows well the West-Balkan region, which is why Montenegro is particularly grateful for the support given for the Euro-Atlantic integration. The Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasised that Montenegro is ready for the NATO accession and is willing to do all that is necessary in this respect. He referred to the reforms carried out recently in the field of legal certainty, security policy and establishing democratic institutions. Although he considers that the progress of the EU accession negotiations is rather slow, the Montenegrin society is strongly committed to obtain the EU membership.

Igor Luksic expressed his hope that the Montenegrin and Hungarian SMEs would seize the opportunity given by the Eximbank credit line. He also welcomed the possibility of the direct flight connection, which would generate growth in tourism. He highlighted the importance of the energy cooperation, and expressed his hope for tangible results in the forthcoming weeks.

(Prime Minister’s Office)