“Never again can Europe be allowed to be so vulnerable with relation to strategic issues”, the Danish and Hungarian Foreign Ministers said in evaluation of the situation that has arisen because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday evening: “Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod and I discussed the possible lessons to be learned from the coronavirus pandemic within the framework of a videoconference. Both Hungary and Denmark introduce effective and strict measures, thanks to which the rational and gradual easing of these restrictions can now be placed on the agenda”.

The parties also spoke about the issue of migration, and agreed that the coronavirus could further increase migration pressure on Europe, which is something that must be prevented. “To this end, the people smuggling networks must be eliminated, and assistance must be provided on site to countries that are in a difficult situation, in addition to which decisions on the affording of asylum status must be made outside the borders of the European Union”, the Minister explained.

In closing, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted to his Danish counterpart the role played by Danish companies in the Hungarian economy, to which the Hungarian government will continue to provide assistance towards their job-creating investment projects in future.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)