“Never before has such a high ratio of German companies in Hungary planned to increase their investments and hire more Hungarians”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Friday in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Sofia, Bulgaria, where he is currently on an official visit.

The Minister was referring to the fact that the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently published its fresh lightning survey on the business situation of German companies operating in Hungary.

“The investor willingness and the level of satisfaction of German enterprises with the Hungarian environment has always been very important to the Hungarian national economy in view of the fact that there are over seven thousand such companies operating in Hungary and employing over 300 thousand people”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“This means that Germany is the foreign country that has the greatest effect on the performance of the Hungarian national economy”, he stated.

“Now, more than half of the German companies operating here are planning to increase their investments, and two thirds of them may be increasing the number of staff they employ. This means that even more Hungarians will find employment, even more Hungarian families will have a dependable living, even more Hungarian enterprises will gain strength, and Hungarian exports will also be increasing significantly in view of the fact that about 27 percent of Hungarian exports are destined for Germany, and external factors such as investments and exports have a fundamental effect on the growth of the Hungarian economy”, Mr. Szijjártó explained.

“The ratio of German enterprises that are satisfied with the environment is the highest it has been in the past 12 years at about two thirds. This allows us to draw the conclusion that German-Hungarian economic cooperation is a success story, and supports the sustainability of the Hungarian economy’s growth trajectory and the continued increase in the number of jobs in Hungary”, the Minister added.