Hungarian vehicle manufacturing industry production increased by 16 percent year-on-year to 3900 billion forints (EUR 12.4bn) during the first six months of the year; the vehicle industry is responsible for 30.4 percent of processing industry productivity, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at the inauguration of Audi’s second EUR 32 million logistics centre.

Mr. Szijjártó highlighted the important role played by Audi in Hungarian-German economic cooperation and pointed out that Hungarian exports to Germany increased by 5.6 percent last year, while trade volume grew by 7.2 percent.

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He also noted that it has been 22 years since employment was so high in Hungary; the number of people in employment currently stands at 4 million 224 thousand and the unemployment rate has fallen to 6.8 percent. More than 145 thousand people work in the automobile industry, 8.2 percent more than at this time last year, he added.

“We are experiencing a difficult period that is full of challenges”, he said. With reference to the problem of illegal immigration, he said “The European Championships of hypocrisy are underway as we speak”, when they are attacking those who are outspoken about the real nature of the problem and are providing real solutions to it.

According to the Minister, the other challenge is posed by the fact that “there is a never before seen level of competition for investments”, as today Asia is on equal footing with regard to our chances of clinching an investment project.

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However, the Hungarian economy is extremely open and its performance is fundamentally determined by investment and exports, the Minister pointed out, highlighting the important role played by Audi Hungaria Motor Ltd.

The new, 80 thousand square metre logistics centre will process 450 freight shipments every day and create at least 500 new jobs, with a further 500 expected in the long term, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó spoke about the fact that the Government is facilitating both research and development and the training of new engineers in light of the competition for new investment projects. Accordingly, an education centre that will be unique in Central Europe is being established in Győr. In addition, the Government is funding infrastructure development around the city, within the framework of which the Audi plant will be directly connected to the M1 motorway and Bratislava in three phases by 2017.

Mayor of Győr Zsolt Borkai (Fidesz-KDNP) praised the excellent cooperation between Audi, the Government and the City.

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Managing Director of Audi Thomas Faustmann spoke about the role of the new logistics centre, explaining that about 40 million euros worth of raw materials will be distributed to the company’s engine and car production divisions from the Centre every day. The new Centre and the first one, which was completed in 2013, will enable Audi to save some 3 billion euros each year, he stressed.

Audi Hungarian Motor Ltd. achieved its highest ever production volume during the first half of this year with over a million engines and 84 thousand motor vehicles rolling off production lines. Revenue for the first six months of 2015 reached EUR 4.147bn, a year-on-year increase of EUR 435M. The number of people employed at the company increased by 5.3 percent to 11,342 during the first six months of the year.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)