“New impetus is required within the field of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to enable the Middle Eastern peace process to gain renewed strength; this is also extremely important from the perspective of European security, and within it Hungarian security”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Wednesday following a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner in the White House in Washington DC.

In a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI, the Minister said that in his opinion the American peace plan presented last week is suitable for creating peace and stability in the region in the long term. As he pointed out, the proposal for a solution corresponds to the three fundamental principles of Hungary’s position, according to which a fair and balanced approach must be applied with relation to Israel, the so-called two-state solution must be achieved via direct negotiations, and the fight against terrorism must be continued.

With relation to these, the Minister highlighted the fact that Hungary does not support the introduction of trade embargos against Israeli enterprises, does not support the fact that the institutions of the European Union should represent an anti-Israeli position in the United Nations thanks to pressure from a few member states, in addition to which it is against UN resolutions that are most suited for inciting further tension.

In addition, he expressed his hope that the parties will be capable and prepared to enter into direct dialogue. Finally, he added that terrorist groups must not be allowed to regain control in the region because that would lead to more waves of migration setting off towards Europe, and this is something that should be avoided.

He underlined that fact that in the recent period there were more reports of failure with relation to resolving the conflict, such as the fact that the majority of international politics represent an “unbalanced, prejudicial and unfair” position with respect to Israel, and the proposals, decisions and guidelines aimed at a solution were unsuccessful.

“New impetus, something new, is required to enable the process to regain strength and for the chance of success to become realistic”, he stated. During the course of the day, Mr. Szijjártó will also meet, amongst others, with former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.