“No kind of agreement has been reached with regard to the Ukrainian Education Act; Ukraine is still refusing to implement the recommendations of the Venice Commission”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Deputy State Secretary Tamás Menczer said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday.

According to new reports published in the Ukrainian press, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come to an agreement with its Hungarian partner with relation to the Education Act.

“The reports published by the Ukrainian media are a lie, the situation is exactly the opposite”, the Deputy State Secretary stated.

“The standpoint of the Hungarian Government remains unchanged and is rock solid: Ukraine cannot begin the implementation of the Education Act until it has come to an agreement with national minorities on the issue, including with the Hungarian national minority”, Mr. Menczer underlined.

“We are glad that it seems the consultation will begin soon, Transcarpathian Hungarians can count on the full support of the Hungarian Government”, he wrote.

The Deputy State Secretary stressed that the Hungarian Government will only retract its policy of blocking Ukraine’s international aspirations if the Transcarpathian Hungarians state that an agreement has been reached with relation to every detail of the Education Act. “That is still a long way off”, the statement said.