“No Hungarians were involved in the terrorist attack in London on Friday morning, according to current information”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference in Budapest.

“Terrorist attacks were committed in two important European capitals on Friday morning; a soldier was attacked in Paris, and the British authorities believe the explosion at a London subway station which left 18 people lightly injured, was also a terrorist attack”, the Minister recalled.

“We still have no information pointing to any Hungarians being involved; no calls have been made to the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate from Hungarians who need help or their relatives”, he highlighted.

“Hungary assures Great Britain and France of its solidarity. The fact that more terrorist attacks have been committed forces us to raise the question of whether it is right that European politics is still not centred on establishing and restoring security, and why security isn’t the governing principle in the debate on illegal immigration”, he pointed out.

“It should be the duty of European political leaders to restore security to Europe and the European people; this should be their responsibility instead of continuing to put forward ‘generally false arguments’ in favour of illegal immigration”, the Foreign Minister stressed.

On Friday, a terrorist attack occurred in the London underground, at Parsons Green station at the south-eastern fork of the District Line. According to eye witnesses, a minor explosion occurred on the train during the morning rush-hour.

Also on Friday morning, a man armed with a knife attacked a soldier in the centre of Paris; the prosecution service’s counter-terrorism section has launched an investigation.