“It is unacceptable that fear has instilled itself into the everyday lives of the people of Europe, and for this reason we must restore legal order; nothing van be more important that the safety of the European people”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday.

In the statement concerning the events of recent days, the Ministry stressed that the Hungarian Government has protected the country’s borders. “No no-go zones have evolved here; the fence, the policing of the border and the stricter legislation all serve to assure the safety of the Hungarian people”.

“It is clear to everyone that ‘the immigration policy Brussels has followed to far is a total failure’ and that immediate changes are required; chaos must give place to order and fear must be replaced by a feeling of security”, the Ministry stressed.

The statement also said that the family of the Hungarian victim of Friday’s attack in Munich had indicated that they wish to bury their son in Hungary and that in accordance with the decision by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó the Ministry is providing the family with the required financial support and has undertaken the costs of transport home. The Ministry also took the opportunity to assure the family of its sympathy and condolences.

“Following the machete attack in Baden-Württemberg on Sunday, the Hungarian Consulate General in Stuttgart immediately contacted the local authorities and according to information from the police there are no Hungarian citizens among the injured”, the Ministry said.

12 people were injured, three of them seriously, in the bomb attack in Bavaria, also on Sunday, and the Hungarian Consulate General in Munich has been informed that there are no Hungarian citizens among the injured.

According to the statement: Germany has suffered four serious attacks during the past week, and in these difficult times we once again assure the German people of our support and of the fact that Hungary is standing by Germany “in these hours of grief”.

In two of the four cases it has transpired or may be assumed that the attacks were committed by Islamic terrorists, while in the other two cases it seems that “people with immigrant backgrounds had – to say the least – integration problems that caused frustration and led to the murders”, the statement reads.

According to the Ministry, all this reinforces the Hungarian Government in its existing standpoint according to which “Europe’s borders must be protected, the terror and violence must be kept outside the continent and we must put a stop to illegal immigration”.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)