“The old Hegyeshalom border crossing point will be reopening”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his Facebook page.

“A few tens of thousand of our compatriots cross the border to Austria to work, and the fact that only nine border crossing points along the Hungarian-Austria border are open as a result of the closures introduced because of the coronavirus epidemic is causing many of them major difficulties and often long delays”, the Minister wrote. “My fellow Member of Parliament István Nagy indicated when the restrictions were introduced that the major traffic at the motorway crossing point at Hegyeshalom is a major problem for commuters living in the Mosonmagyavár area, and farmers are unable to cross to the other side of the border at all in view of the fact that they cannot drive onto the motorway with their agricultural equipment”, he added.

“In the interests of finding a solution to the situation, we have been engaged in continuous negotiation with my Austrian counterpart, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, for several days now, and we have finally found the solution: the border crossing on the old A1 main road at Hegyeshalom will be reopened to traffic in the small hours of Saturday morning to enable it to be used by commuters and farmers between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., and between 5 p.m. an 8 p.m.”, Mr. Szijjártó stated.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)