“Our goal continues to be to send a Hungarian astronaut to the International Space Station”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó emphasised on Friday during a video conference of European Union ministers responsible for space affairs.

At the meeting, which was initiated by the current Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and with relation to which Mr Szijjártó reported on his Facebook page, subjects of discussion included the role of space-based innovative services and their use while exiting the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “The question may arise: Why is a Foreign Minister dealing with issues relating to space? To which our answer is that since space can be found outside the borders of Hungary, it is a foreign affairs issue”, the Minister noted in his speech. “This year, we are celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the first Hungarian astronaut making his voyage to space”, he added. “Today, he is working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as a special advisor, and accordingly issues relating to space are close to our hearts”, he stated. The Minister said the Hungarian Government has drawn up a comprehensive national space strategy, with which it would like to increase the role of Hungarian enterprises within the sector. “In view of the fact that we regard space research as a sector of industry of the future, it has also been given a role within the strategic economic program aimed at facilitating Hungary’s exit from the current crisis, with significant funding being provided to enterprises that are active within the field”, he explained.
“We are also beginning a long-term scientific mission, the goal of which is to send a Hungarian research astronaut to the International Space Station by the middle of the decade”, he highlighted. “I preparation for this, we are working on three major projects, two of which involve sending a science satellite into space, while the third involves the development of an on board measuring system, which will be installed in the International Space Station”, Mr. Szijjártó said. “As a sign of Hungary’s commitment, it has doubled its contribution to the budget of the European Space Agency”, the Minister pointed out, also noting: “Hungary is proud to be among the first member states to test the Galilee Green Lane application”. At the end of his speech, Mr. Szijjártó asked the European Commission to enter into proactive and flexible negotiations with the European Space Agency in future with relation to the budget of joint programs, and invited those present to visit Budapest to attend the International Astronautical Congress, which was scheduled to be held this year, but has had to be postponed because of the coronavirus epidemic.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)